Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan di PT. Jaya Sentrikon Indonesia Tahun 2019
M. Rino Siregar (151210683)
Environmental Health Risk Analysis at PT. Jaya Sentrikon Indonesia in 2019
vi + 47 pages, 9 tables, 2 pictures, 10 attachments
Environmental Health Risk Analysis (ARKL) is an approach to calculating or estimating health risks in humans, including identification of the uncertainty factor, tracing certain exposures. The purpose of this research was Identifying hazards (concentration of dust, noise, temperature and concentration of CO), analyzing dose-response, analyzing exposure, and knowing the characteristics of risk at PT. Jaya Sentrikon Indonesia in 2019
The type of this research was analytical research because it analyzed environmental health risks at PT. Jaya Sentrikon Indonesia West Sumatra in 2019. This research was conducted in the concrete manufacturing industry at PT. Jaya Sentrikon Indonesia. The sample in this study was carried out dust removal, carbon monoxide measurement, temperature measurement, and noise measurement by 4 points at PT. Sentrikon Jaya Indonesia.
The result of this research showed that the potential sources of potential activities that had more potentially were in the concrete molding process. The average concentration of dust for point 1 in the material stacking section was 11.6 mg/m3, for point 2 in the stirring process was 5.0 mg/m3, for point 3 in the concrete molding section was 13.3 mg/m3, and for point 4 in the storage and transportation section was 10 mg/m3. The risk characterization was done to determine whether the risk of a risk agent causing interference or not, as of the result showed that the average value of risk characteristics (RQ) was 0.43306279799. The value of RQ ≤ 1 meant that the concentration of dust at PT. Jaya Sentrikon Indonesia was not interference to health.
PT. Jaya Sentrikon Indonesia was expected to provide personal protective equipment, especially masks to reduce exposure of dust concentrations to workers.
Key words : Dust, risk analysis, RQ
Bibliography : 14 (2001-2017)
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