Pengaruh Demonstrasi Perawatan Tali Pusat terhadap Keterampilan Ibu Nifas dalam Melakukan Perawatan Tali Pusat di Praktek Mandiri Bidan Gusniati Padang Tahun 2019
Shafira Maulani Putri
The Influence of Umbilical Cord Care Demonstration on the Skills of Postpartum Mothers in Performing Cord Care in the Independent Practice of Gusniati Padang Midwives in 2019
xiii + 42 pages + 4 tables + 1 images + 12 attachments
In 2017, the neonatal mortality rate in Indonesia reach 15 death in 1000 natality. In west Sumatra, the neonatal mortality rate is 620 persons. In Padang, according to Profile of Padang Health, at the same time is 52 persons. There are somes factors that caused, one of them is tetanus neonatorumIn 2014, the incidence of tetanus neonaturum was 1 case that occurred at the Seberang Padang Health Center.The cause of tetanus neonatorum can occur due to an infection of the umbilical cord. Infection of the umbilical cord often occurs due to improper umbilical cord treatment.
This research is pra-experimenal by using the one-group pretest-posttest design. The data collecting had been done in non govermental midwife practice Gusniati, Padang since January 26 until April 18, 2019. The tecnical sample in this research is purposive sampling.To know the puerperium mother’s skill to the placenta nursing, the data collecting that’s used in this research is check list forms. Data processing techniques by editing, coding, entry, cleaning, and tabulating.This research consist of univariat and bivariat analisys by using paired T-Test.
This research shows that the puerperium rate of the mother’s skill to the placenta nursing before demonstration showed is 43.5. The puerperium rate of the mother’s skill to the placenta nursing after demonstration in the non govermental midwife practice Gusniati, Padang, 2019 is 82.25. There is the influence of umbilical cord care demonstration on the skills of postpartum mothers in performing cord care in PMB Gusniati Padang in 2019.(p value = 0,000).
The conclution of ths research is: Demonstration about placenta nursing for the puerperium mother gives influece to nurse their baby born in non govermental midwife practice Gusniati, Padang. Therefore, researchers expect the puskesmas, especially midwives, to further improve health services and education regarding cord care in newborns (BBL)
Key words : Demonstration about placenta nursing for puerperium mother
Bibliography : 21 (1995-2018)
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