Pengaruh Peer Education Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan HIV/AIDS Pada Siswa di SMA PGRI 3 Padang Tahun 2019
Auwilla Marta Tasman
Effect of Peer Education on The Knowledge of HIV/AIDS in Students at SMA PGRI 3 Padang in 2019
vii + 56 pages + 5 tables + 2 pictures +16 attachments
The number of people with HIV in 2017 in indonesia 280.623 cases. Padang as the city with the highest HIV rate in west sumatera increased from 227 cases in 2015 to 370 cases in 2017. Peer education is one method to improve the knowledge of adolescent about HIV/AIDS which involves peers so that cause positive change in adolescent. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of peer education to the knowledge of HIV/AIDS in students at SMA PGRI 3 Padang in 2019.
This type of research is Pre Experiment with One Group Pretest Posttest design. The research has been conducted at SMA PGRI 3 Padang in January 2019 – February 2019. The population is students of SMA PGRI 3 Padang which amounts to 75 peoples. Samples were taken by stratified random sampling with 20 samples. The instrument of collecting data in this research is by using questionnaire on the knowledge of HIV/AIDS. The validity and reability are verified. The result of questionnaire will be analyzed in the way of univariat and bavariate with paired t test statistic test.
The research result showed the average knowledge about HIV/AIDS before given peer education about HIV/AIDS is 8,35 and after given peer education is 13,95. The result of bivariate analysis shows that there is influence of peer education about HIV/AIDS on the knowledge of students of SMA PGRI 3 Padang (p value = 0,000).
From the research result, it can be conluded that there is an effect of peer education on the knowledge of HIV/AIDS in students at SMA PGRI 3 Padang, so the researcher hopes SMA PGRI 3 Padang to increased the supporting infrastructure also a consistent schedule out of school schedule is needed for peer education program and fasilitated a coaching for peer educators.
Key word : HIV/AIDS, peer education, knowledge
Bibliography : 41 (2008 – 2018)
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