Gambaran Status Gizi, Pola Konsumsi Lemak Jenuh dan Serat Penderita Hipertensi Wanita Dewasa Usia 50 - 65 Tahun di Puskesmas Kuranji Kota Padang Tahun 2019
Nadya Arnianti
Decription of Nutritional Status, Pattern Compsumption Of Saturated Fat and Fiber On Hypertensive Patients of Adult Women Aged 50-65 Years In Padang Kuranji Health Center In 2019
Vi + 72 pages, 16 tabels, 13 attachments
Hypertension is a condition of increasing systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and diastolic ≥ 90 mmHg. Based on the 2013 Riskesdas data the prevalence of hypertension in West Sumatra reached 22,6%, while for the city of Padang, the prevalence of hypertension was 24,5%. Factor’s that can trigger hypertension are the nutritional status of the patients is obesity or over nutritional status, hight saturated fat intake and less of fiber intake so that blood cholesterol levels increase, which result in narrowing of blood vessels and hight blood pressure. The purpose of this reaserch are to look at an overview of nutritional status, consumption patterns of saturated fat and fiber in hypertensive patients of adult women aged 50-65 years at the Kuranji Health Center in Padang City in 2019.
This research is descriptive with a Cross Sectional Study design conducted from December 2018-May 2019 at Kuranji Health Center in Padang City to 50 respondents. The sampling technique use an Accidental Sampling technique where the samples taken are adult women aged 50-65 years who seek treatment at the Kuranji Health Center. Data collection use a nutritional status measuring instrument and SQ-FFQ form. Data processing technique are done manually and computerized which are analyzed univariately.
The result showed that at most (42%) respondents had overweight nutritional status and respondents who had obesity nutritional status were 20%. Most (90%) of respondents consume saturated fat with an avarege consumption of saturated fat is 24,6 gr per day and the average frequency of consumption is 2,7 x/day. All (100%) respondents had less fiber consumption with an average consumption of 8,38 gr and teh average frequency of fiber came from staple food and vegetable protein which is 1,8 x/day, frequency of fiber from vegetables is 1,3 x/day and the frequency of fiber from the fruits is 1,2 x/day.
Its is recommended for with hypertension to monitor body weight, reduce consumption of food sources fats, increase fiber intake, especially from vegetable and fruit source.
Key Words : Nutrition Status, Saturated Fat, Fiber, and Adult Women Hypertension Patients
Bibliography : 40 (1998-2018)
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