Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu, Pola Asuh Makan dan Status GiziAnak SDN 22 Andalas Kota Padang Padang Tahun 2018
Rafika Aida Pratiwi,162110104
Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu, Pola Asuh Makandan Status Gizi Anak SDN 22 Andalas Kota Padang Padang Tahun 2018
vii + 60 halaman + 13 tabel, 2 bagan, 13 lampiran
The results of the West Sumatra Riskesdas in 2013, Padang City was ranked sixth with the prevalence of thin children at 8.2%. The results of health screening of Andalas Primary School Primary School students in 2018, Andalas City Elementary School 22, Padang, which is 6.7%. Mothers have an important role in educating their children through their upbringing. The practice of feeding children has a big role in children's nutritional intake. The level of knowledge of the mother will affect the behavior of mothers in maintaining children's health, especially about child nutrition. This study aims to determine the level of knowledge of mothers, feeding patterns and nutritional status of children of SD Andalas 22, Padang City, 2018. This research is descriptive with cross sectional research design. The population in the study was children of SD 22 Andalas, Padang City. The sample amounted to 67 people taken by simple random sampling. Primary data obtained by means of weighing BB and measuring TB, as well as direct interviews with mothers (respondents). Secondary data was obtained from the Andalas SDN 22 Padang City by interview. The research data was processed using computers univariately to see the frequency distribution of eachvariable. The results showed 21.4% of children had very thin nutritional status, 33.3% of children had underweight nutritional status, 21.4% of children had normal nutritional status, 14.2% of children had fat nutritional status and 9.5% of children had nutritional status of obesity, 33.3% of mothers had insufficient knowledge and poor eating patterns were 35.7%. It is recommended for mothers to be able to add insight and knowledge of nutrition and improve parenting eating their children. To the school in order to be able to work with mothers in improving nutrition problems in children and providing nutritional posters. To the next researcher to be able to examine the relationship between the level of knowledge of mothers and parenting patterns with children's nutritional status.
Keywords: Level of Knowledge of Mother, Feeding Pattern, Nutritional Status
Reading List: 30 (1995-2015
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