Gambaran Pola Konsumsi Kolesterol dan Serat pada Pasien Hiperkolesterolemia sebagai Faktor Risiko Kejadian Stroke di Puskesmas Kuranji Tahun 2019
Salva Luvia Altavani
Description of Cholesterol and Fiber Consumption Pattern in Hypercholesterolemic Patients as a Risk Factor for Stroke in Kuranji Health Center in 2019
Vii + 54 pages, 18 tables, 9 attachments
The people of West Sumatra have the potential to suffer from coronary heart disease and stroke. This is because the culture of eating the people of West Sumatra is not good, namely the consumption of foods that are high in cholesterol, and low in fiber. Kuranji Health Center is a health center that has the highest number of hypercholesterolemic patients at 25.6% compared to other Health Center in the city of Padang. Risk factors that cause stroke events are patterns of cholesterol consumption and fiber intake. This study aims to describe the pattern of cholesterol and fiber consumption in hypercholesterolemic patients as a risk factor for stroke events in the Kuranji Health Center in 2019.
This research is descriptive. The time of the study began in August 2018 until June 2019. Respondents in this study were hypercholesterolemic outpatients who came to the Kuranji Health Center, with a total of 51 people. Primary data in this study were cholesterol and fiber consumption patterns data carried out by the SQ-FFQ interview method, while secondary data was obtained from the Health Center and City Health Department. Data is computerized and data analysis using univariate analysis.
The results showed that more than half (64.7%) of respondents had more than needed cholesterol intake, all respondents (100%) consumed a lot of cholesterol sources derived from animal protein types, namely chicken eggs, and the average frequency of respondents consuming cholesterol sources in a day 8.231 times/day. All respondents (100%) lacked fiber intake, fiber sources often consumed by respondents came from carbohydrates, very little from vegetablesand fruits,and the average frequency of respondents consuming fiber sources in a day was 10.96 times/day. More than half (54.9%) of respondents had a risk of suffering a stroke.
The suggestion that can be given in this study is that health workers are expected to provide nutritional conseling to hypercholesterolemic patients about low cholesterol and high fiber diets.
Keywords : hypercholesterolemic, cholesterol, fiber, stroke
Bibliography 41 (1992-2018)
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