Jurnal ini membahas Evaluation of Solid Medical Waste Management, Development and Validation of Perception of Seating Ergonomics Questionnaire, Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure and Early Childhood Cognitive Development, Role of Partner and Health Workers on Modern Contraceptive Use Among Married/In-union Women, Development of an Evidence-Based Tool to Assess the Relative Vulnerability …
Jurnal ini membahas A Qualitative Exploration of Exclusive Breastfeeding Practices Among Karen Ethnicity Mothers, Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Sociodemographic Characteristics, Comparison of Prevalence and Associated Factors of Multisystem Health Symptoms Among Workers, Development of a Medication Compliance Determinant Instrument for Low-Middle Literate Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitu…
Jurnal ini membahas Covid-19 in Indonesia, Measuring the Succes of Peduli Lindungi Application Use for Supporting Covid-19 Prevention, Post Covid-19 Health Financial Support, Mining Industries Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Misperception of Vaccine Acceptance to the Covid-19 Vaccine in Indonesia, The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic Induced Stress on Reproductive Age Women's Menstrual Cycle Reg…
Jurnal ini membahas Factors Influencing Handwriting Development, Breastfeeding Duration More than 18 Months Possibly Lowers the Risk of Language Development Delay in Children Aged 18-35 Months, Impact of Instrumental Support from Family on Medication Adherence among Tubrculosis Patients, Factors Associated with Depression among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients, Hypertensive Patients Undergoing…
Jurnal ini membahas the Use of Health Data Availability from Different Sources to Help the Decision-Making Process, SARS-CoV-2 Antibody, Stunting Prevention Risk Factors Pathway Model, Model Autonomy of Self Finance Management, Determinants of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Passive Smokers, The Effect of Health Promotion Program on Perceived Self-Efficacy and Self-Care Practices among Elderly w…
Jurnal ini membahas Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Covid-19 Prevention Practices, Coronary Heart Disease in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients, Local Wisdom Enriching Complementary Feeding Practices during Disaster Situations in Indonesia, Infarct Diameter for Predicting Cognitive Dysfunction in Ischemic Stroke Survivors, Muscle Dysmorphia
Jurnal ini membahas Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Its Potential Health Implications, Increased Thyroid Hormone Levels in Pesticide Spraver at Agricultural Area, Body Image, Quality of Life, and Their Predicting Factors in Pregnant Women, The Estimation of Excess Mortality during the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccinecceptance, The Development of a Work Stress…
Jurnal ini membahas Covid-19 Pandemic Responses, Reducing Covid-19 Transmission, Epidemiological and Clinical FEATURES OF Covid-19 Patients, Epidemiological Patterns and Spatial Distribution of Covid-19, Epidemiological Pattern of Covid-19 Infection, Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Covid-19, Analysis Implementation of Covid-19 Prevention Policy for Disability, Spatial-Temporal Analys…
Jurnal ini membahas The Indonesian Strategy to Achieve Universal Health Coverage through National Health Insurance System, Mental Fatigue, Role of Coping Humor and Internal Health Locus of Control on Social Dysfunction and Anxiety & Depression, Breastfeeding Knowledge and Behavior in Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) as a Natural Contraceptive, Tuberculosis Case Finding Efforts in People with…
Jurnal ini membahas The Essence of Telemedicine for Bringing the Gap in Health Services, Stunting of Children Aged 24-59 Months, Wearing a Mask, Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Reproductive Health Services, Pre-lacteal Feeding, The Effect of Smoking on Carbon Monoxide Respiration, Waste Manajement Project, Sexual Quality of Life among Women Living with HIV, Sexual Behavior of Sexual Transmitted In…