Jurnal ini membahas Assessment of peripartum psychological disturbances in relation to modes of delivery, Factors related to preventive behaviors among parent caregivers of children under five years with acute respiratory tract infection, Feeding and oral hygiene habits of preschool children in Pakistan and their caregivers' attitudes, Social class inequalities in tooth-brushing time: The role …
Jurnal ini membahas Factors Related to Health Behaviors in Persons with Hypertension, Comparison of Ahmed Versus Baerveldt Implant Outcomes, Evaluation of Bioactive Compounds on Different Extracts of Linum Usitatissimum and Its Antimicrobial Properties against Selected Oral Pathogens, Oral Antidiabetic Utilization and Various Factors as an Indicator for HbA1c Control Among Patients with Type 2 …
Jurnal ini membahas Stressors and Their Association with Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Dental Students, A Rare Case of Hutchınson-Gılford Progerıa Syndrome wıth Early Dental Loss wıthout Decay, Children's HIV Status and the Acceptance Stage of Grief amongst HIV-Positive Women, Correlation between Folic Acid and Homocysteine Plasma in Severe Pre-Eclampsia and Normal Pregnanc…
Jurnal ini membahas Self-Efficacy as a Predictor of Stress, Development of a Tuberculosis Vaccine Seed: Construction of Resuscitation-Promoting Factor B DNA Vaccine and its Expression in Vitro and in Vivo, Low-Level Laser Therapy to the Major Salivary Glands Increases Salivary Flow and MUC5B Protein Secretion in Diabetic Patients with Hyposalivation, Changes in Contrast Sensitivity in Young Adu…
Buku Penyakit Kulit : Perawatan, Pencegahan, Pengobatan membahas mengenai cara mengetahui penyakit kulit lebih dini dengan menyajikan materi penyakit kulit dan cara penanggulangannya, macam - macam terapi untuk penyakit kulit, dan dermatologi.
Dinda Ayu Maharani The Effect of Counseling on Hygiene and Sanitation Using Media Booklets Against Behavior Changes in Food Handlers at Islamic Boarding Schools Ar-Risalah Padang in 2019 viii + 61 pages, 9 tables, 14 attachments ABSTRACT Based on the monthly reports of male clinics, the incidence of diarrhea in the Ar-Risalah boarding school in October to November 2017 there were 51 …